You can create multiple jobs in a batch using the Quick Dispatch feature. You will set a route template ahead of time, and use it each time to schedule multiple jobs.
Create Route Templates
First navigate to the “Quick Dispatch” view from your Sitemap.
Then, click on the “+ Template” link.
This will take you to the Route Templates page. Click on the “+ Add” button.
Enter a name for your template, ex “Snow Route 1”, and proceed to add a few properties to this route. You can also drag and drop route items to re-position them in the route.
Once this is done, you are ready to dispatch jobs!
Schedule/Dispatch Jobs
To dispatch jobs for snow removal, we will use a feature called Quick Dispatch. Navigate to the Quick Dispatch page through your Sitemap view.
Here, you will see “Snow Route 1” in a drop-down list. Click on “Select” to start the dispatch process.
As you can see, the Quick Dispatcher will automatically copy the Snow Route 1 to your dispatch items list. You can again re-position these properties if you’d like. Once you’re happy with the ordering of the dispatch items, click “Next”.
In the next step, you can add services or products from your catalog. Start typing a product name and Yardbook will show you a matching product in the drop-down list. In this case, we will select “Snow Plowing”. Click on the “Add to Jobs” button to add the product/serivce to the dispatch items.
You can verify that the service has been added to your dispatch items in the list below.
Note: The product/service will only be added to selected items, which are highlighted in green. You can continue to add other services to some or all of the dispatch items. Once you are done, click “Next”.
In the next step, you can assign an employee or a crew to these items. If you don’t manage any crews, you can skip this step click on “Next”.
Finally, in the last step, you will enter a date for which the jobs will start.
It’s also a good idea to review all the dispatch items in case you’ve made a mistake.
Once you are done, click on the “Create Jobs” button.
At this point, your new jobs are being processed, which should take no more than a couple of minutes. Once everything is done, you will get an email notification from Yardbook.
When you return to the Jobs View, you will now see the newly created jobs. (Note: You may need to refresh/reload the page). A route is also added for the scheduled date containing all these jobs. You can see the route in the “All all Routes” view (accessible from your Sitemap).
Generate Invoices
The Quick Dispatch process above creates jobs which are billable. It works well with the Auto Generate Invoice process. Also, if you have set up property-based pricing, the Auto Generate Invoice process will leverage the pre-defined pricing for your services.
Link to Auto Generate Invoice FAQ.